
The Minister

Let's Talk about Minister Clayton

From the tender age of 19 years old, Elder Michael E. Clayton has been preaching the gospel of Christ Jesus. From Henderson State University to New York City, to Benin City, Nigeria by way of Lagos, Nigeria to Germany, to Houston, Texas back to Little Rock, Arkansas, God has been opening perpetual doors that have left those listening, desire to hear him again. With mentors such as Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop G.E. Patterson, Bishop D. Dewayne Rudd, Sr., and many more, have taught, trained, and transformed his personal approach in how he delivers the Word of God.

The Word

A Real Relevant and Restorative word of repentance is Elder Clayton’s approach. He desires that all who listen to him, never look at anyone beyond themselves. He preaches a convicting word that makes those listening consider their heads and their hearts. Not only building others and their households of faith but personally aggressive with growing the campuses that God has placed under his leadership. With weekly travels to Houston Texas to minister to his Houston Campus for services called “Thankful Thursday”. Pastor Mike has built a strong expectation of discipleship services that has a regular attendance and response from the city.

The Wisdom

His own Bible Institution? Yes, each season Pastor Mike teaches books of the bible and entertains new students from around the world! His schedule on most weeks is Monday night, two classes, Wednesday night, two classes, Thursday Nights, Saturday classes, and Sunday morning worship! What an amazing schedule. As you can tell, he’s not a lazy preacher at all. Let’s take a moment and encourage you to take a class in the winter sessions and we promise it will be worth your time, your treasure, and your test-taking! Moreover, he has produced Deacons, Ministers, and Elders in the kingdom over his 12-year journey as a man of God.

Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

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