
The Man

Let's Talk about Michael E. Clayton

Michael E. Clayton, the Man, takes no credit for anything that he does. Born in Malvern, Arkansas to the parents of Billy Joe Clayton and Vivian Ann Clayton. He did well in academia and in athletics all his years. Raised in church and served in every capacity known in church. Personally, he shares that his motto is, “The Holy Ghost Helped Me!”. He believes the key to all his success to enrich, to enhance, to equip, and to impact this life is due to the grace extended to him through the help of the Spirit.

The Husband and Father

Lady Constance Clayton, is the queen of the Clayton Estate! She has bore two princes and a princess: Jaden Clayton – 21, Jordan Clayton – 17, and Jasmine -9. Together, Michael has been married for 19 years and a lifetime to go! 

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Pastor Mike is a part of a network that builds back homes and communities. He is a repairer of the breach!

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